Northland Family Help Center provides professional counseling services free of charge for eligible individuals and families. We specialize in the therapeutic support of adults, teens and children who struggle with the symptoms of traumatic experiences. We help clients understand their symptoms, access their internal & external resources, develop a greater sense of self-knowledge & belonging, explore their own core values, and define their own healing and thriving.
Who is Eligible?
We serve victims of crime, including current or historical abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault. Call for more information.
Professional Services
Our trauma therapists have training in a variety of mind/body approaches specifically for resolving traumatic stress symptoms such as feeling constantly on guard, over-active startle responses, spaciness, depression, anxiety, and difficulty connecting to others.
We are able to offer clients trauma counseling services for up to three total years, with duration determined by clinical assessment, and session frequency decreasing annually, in order to balance the community need for no-cost survivor services with individual therapy needs.
For more information on eligibility for Northland Family Help Center Counseling Services, please call (928) 233-2209, or email counseling@northlandfamily.org.
For immediate support in a crisis, contact the Northern Arizona Community Mental Health Crisis Hotline 1-877-756-4090.